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advanced placement drawing

This course:

1. Promotes a sustained investigation of all aspects of portfolio development.

2. Enables students to develop mastery in concept, compostion, and execution of drawing.

3. Enables students to develop a cohesive body of work investigating a strong underlying visual idea in drawing that grows out of a coherent plan of action or investigation.

4. Teaches a variety of concepts and approaches in drawing so that students can demonstrate a range of abilities and versatility with problem-solving and ideation. Such conceptual variety can be demonstrated through either the use of one or several media.

5. Emphasizes making art as an ongoing process that involves the student in informed and critical decision making.

6. Includes group critiques enabling students to learn to analyze and discuss their own artworks as well as artworks of their peers.

7. Includes individual critiques and instructional conversations with the teacher, enabling students to learn to analyze and discuss their own artworks and better critique artworks of their peers.

8. Teaches students to understand artistic integrity as well as what constitutes plagiarism. The course teaches students how to develop their own work so that it moves beyond duplication.

Assessments and Evaluations for Sharpsville Area High School:

Grades will be based on some of all of the following:

  1. Class Participation/Effort

  2. Completed Projects (on time)

  3. Written Assignments/Reading and Research

  4. Group/Partner Assignments

Grading Scale:






Make-Up Work: After an absence it is your responsibility to report to my room during homeroom to get the material you missed.

All make-up work must be completed and turned in within the time allotted in the student handbook.

Assessments and Evaluations for the College Board:

1. Portfolio Development (75%)

-based on finished work as per term quoata

-graded using the evaluation rubrics as established by the College Board

-both volume and quality will be taken into consideration for final grades

2. Lab Conduct

-regular attendance is mandatory

-use of in-class time and extra classes

-attention to lectures, directions, and demonstrations

-particiapation in critical discussion

-proper, safe use of materials and equipment

-cleanup duties and storage of work

At the end of the year each student is responsible for submitting a portfolio to the College Board.

Portfolio Requirements:

-Section 1: Quality - 5 actual works that display a mastery of drawing in concept, composition, and execution.

-Section 2: Concentration - 12 digital images that represent a body of work that demonstrates commitment to thoughtful investigation of a specific visual idea.

-Section 3: Breadth - 12 digital images that demonstrate a wide range of drawing skills and approaches.

Class Participation and Work Habits:

You will receive a grade each day for class participation. This will be worth 5 points each day. With approximately 40 to 45 days per 9 weeks that will amount to approximately 200 -225 points each grading period, which is comparable to an extra project grade.

How you will receive these points:

  1. Be here!

  2. Participate fully every day

  3. Hand in projects on time

  4. Stay on task and be attentive

You can lose these points by:

  1. Sleeping of doing homework in class

  2. Being late to class without an excuse

  3. Not staying on task

  4. Being disruptive and or disrespectful

Classroom Rules:

  1. Respect! Show respect for the teacher, each other and yourself

  2. When someone is speaking to the class be quiet and listen

  3. No profanity or making derogatory comments

  4. No touching each other or each other’s property

  5. Ask permission before getting into the cupboards to get supplies

Disciplinary Action:

  1. You will be warned that your behavior is unacceptable

  2. You will be assigned detention

  3. You will be referred to the office which will result in administrative action.

**If your behavior warrants, you may be directly referred to the office.**

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